Saturday, January 31, 2009

Grand Theft Auto Killings

The lawsuit concerning a young boy who shot two police officers and a dispatcher; tries to prove the manufacture of the game along with the stores are to blame. The young man was sixteen at the time of purchasing Grand Theft Auto from a his local stores. The game is rated M which means no one under the age of 17 is legally able to purchase it. According to the parents the boy played the game nonstop and was brain washed by its violent content. The boy was brought in for driving a stolen vehicle to the police station where he murdered three men. I believe that the stores are liable in the response of them allowing a 16 year old to purchase the game. It’s hard to prove that the violent content of the game had anything to do with the boys random demonic actions. To me it comes down to poor parenting. The parents should have monitored what their son was playing. If they could have at least spend some more time with him and taught him Morales he could still have a life. Instead they want to point the finger on someone else because it’s too hard to just say we should have been better parents. I think the store is at fault for selling the game but not for murder. The manufacture of the game did their part on protecting themselves by putting a M rated stick on their games.

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