Saturday, March 14, 2009


After watching a short film in class today about doing something illicit I have started thinking about the real picture here. I have done allot of things illicit that I never knew what kind of impact I was contributing to with such a small purchase. I have downloaded music on a daily basis and have even bought pirated movies in afganistan. That sort of pops some flags up for me. While I was being stationed in Afganistan I was able to travel to the flea market where the local nationals sold everything from watches, movies , laptops, music and even suites. It makes you think where the US troops really supporting the terriorists groups while being stationed there fighting against these men. Who really knows if one of the local nationals working at the flea market was using the money he earned to buy guns that would later be used against allied troops. I guess you really don’t think to what the man your buying your illegal items from is going to do with your money. Even further how did he get these goods and at who’s cost. I can’t say that I won’t download another video or music file but I can say that I will never buy goods off the street.

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